Friday night: wow. Went to Meiji sushi and then to coyotes for Melanie’s stag. It turned out to be a complete gong show. I barely drank; maybe had two shooters and one margarita; that’s about it. I had to be up at 7am the next morning for the 19th Annual Children’s Wish Ride. But boy, the girls who did drink were hilarious. One girl literally stripped down to nothing in the parking lot. The bride-to-be actually entered into a booty shaking contest and WON. We were laughing so hard because it’s something she would never ever do. At least she has a “booty” to back her up. It’s definitely something I could/would never do for more than one reason. Nonetheless, it was hilarious and definitely an amusing night. The way a stag should be, I suppose.
Melanie Hanson...the bride-to-be!

Homemade penis cake

the girls

a buck a suck...this dude later tried to get me to go out with him. hahaha

blow jobs...thats whipped cream on my mouth.


red tape=don't touch

who knows?


me and my old roomie suzanne

me and the drunk bride

blown up scottish whiskey flavored condom

Saturday: got up early, drove out to warren for the 19th Annual Children’s Wish Ride. It’s basically a fundraiser for the Children’s Wish Foundation. It’s such an amazing cause and is definitely close to my heart since I have a 5 year old sister with Down syndrome, Bonnie Brooke. Basically people from all over Canada come and bring their horses, camp out and ride their horses for a twelve mile ride. Similar to a walk for breast cancer or some other cause, except it’s a horseback ride. I was unable to bring Tia so I took one of my friend Melissa’s horses. Pilgrim was his name. A 5 year old quarter horse gelding, who thought he was a stallion and had the worst ground manners ever. He sure was handsome but boy were his manners out the window, and if he was my horse he would have gotten a good wack or two. He was definitely a horse who needed a whole lot more miles on him. Apparently he had not been ridden in a WHOLE YEAR, and had only 4-5 rides on him in total. He was an extremely green horse (a green horse is basically a horse that has not had a lot of work/training done) Greaaaaaaaaaaat! I knew I was in for an entertaining ride.
Every time I asked him to canter (for those of you who don’t know what ‘canter’ means…horses have four gaits… walk, trot, canter and gallop, canter is a 3 beat stride, which is supposed to be the most smooth gait out of all horse gaits). However, with Pilgrim it wasn’t! He would go into this bucking banter when I asked him to canter, one time he bucked 5 in a row while cantering full speed. Also, every time we came near water instead of going through it he would do this gigantic off balance jump over the water; half the time I was surprised I stayed on. Might I add, I was riding in an aussie saddle with stirrups that were way too long and my feet barely touched them. So I had to balance myself a lot more on an unsure/unconfident horse who had no balance and didn’t even know where his back end was. As well, he didn’t even know how to walk without tripping every other step, such a clumsy horse, at one point he tripped so hard he fell onto his knees and almost fell over; once again I was surprised I didn’t tumble off. I guess I was lucky that day.
Oh yeah…before the ride started….He kicked me pretty hard in the knee while I was cleaning out his hooves. It hurt a lot at first but then the pain kind of went away and I forgot about it…until 10 miles into the ride when my knee started to really hurt. I got off and walked for a bit then got back on. I couldn’t figure out why it hurt so badly because I ride at least 3 times a week so I shouldn’t be so sore after a 10 mile ride. When I got back I remembered he had kicked me there, my knee was swollen and is now bruised. I never bruise so it must have been a pretty hard kick for me to actually get a bruise. It hurts and I’m gimpy and sore.
To Pilgrims defense, he is lucky that he’s such a handsome horse. That combined with how young he was… I gave him the benefit of the doubt. He just needs someone with a lot of patience to work with him; someone to be firm and not let him walk all over them. As well as someone to put a lot more miles on him; aka ride him more than once a year. If that happens, he’ll be a fantastic horse for anyone to ride…someday!

If you read that in its entirety sorry if I bore you to tears.