Monday, January 14, 2008

dry your eyes mate

yesterday was a fantastical ride. I know thats not a word, but I like it anyway. Shagadellic shouldn't be a word either; but it is now. Seriously check it out...this is the urban dictionary's meaning of the word 'shagadellic'.
shagadellic : Having a body built for sin and an appetite for passion.
Back to my fantastical ride. It was -30 with the windchill, freakin cold, the horses were a bit zippy. Tia had a kick to her, literally, she was kicking out at every horse that came near her. Needless to say everyone kept their distance from my big black kicking mare. We rode for an hour and 45 minutes which is pretty long considering it was -30 with the windchill. I was warm the entire ride, aside from my feet. Even with mountain horse winter paddock boots and two pairs of socks my feet still froze. When they defrosted after we went inside the coffee shop it was so painful. I felt dizzy. It felt like someone was crushing all the bones in my feet. Crazy. Anyway it was still a fun ride.

Look at the frost all over her bodyPhotobucketPhotobucketTia, Spring 2007PhotobucketTia, Summer 2007PhotobucketTia, Fall 2007 Photobucket

There was a mix up with our girlfriend gift exchange thing and I was out a ride and considering it was -34 with the windchill and it was a sunday so the buses suck, I didn't get to go. Kind of a bummer, but I had a good relaxing night. I got to clean my room which was good.

ps. 'dry your eyes' by the streets is amazing.