Friday, June 15, 2007

oh the irony

this was my horoscope today
Pisces: Someone in your life wants a second chance. They know they screwed up, so give them one more shot. If they mess up again, you'll know their true colorswhat do you think about second chances?

Monday, June 04, 2007

Sankaranarayanan Venkataraman

The great thing about working in an office is office email. Most people I know who work in an office have at least one office buddy who they email all day long; its someone to keep you company when you are bored to tears and want to pull your hair out, someone to joke with, & someone to bitch about how much you hate your job at times. I have a few “email buddies”, most don’t work with me. However, my favorite intra office email buddy is Mike; a pretty quiet guy who loves his newly purchased ATV, is good with computers and hates his ex girlfriend ( a very good horse back rider who I often see at horse shows) this is one of our favorite convo’s for today, it made me laugh.

Me: Whose install was … Sankaranarayanan Venkataraman?
Mike: Ha, no idea.
Me: That’s what I’m gonna name my kid, when I have one.
Mike: Too bad I was gonna use it!
Me: you can’t copy me!!!
Mike: no? I just might have to father your child in that case.

Ha ha ha, I’m glad that when shit gets boring at work, I have someone to keep me laughing.

I emailed my other friend Lauren and said “This is my name… Sankaranarayanan Venkataraman”


Hahaha she thought it was MY actual name! Oh dear me! Wow who has a name like that? Crazy!!!

An entirely Pointless post, but it made my day.