Wednesday, August 01, 2007

oh school be done already

So my student loan company rejected my loan saying I make enough money to pay for my tuition fees myself. Go figure they'd screw me over when I only have 9 credit hours left before I graduate. I'm lucky I have some amazing people in my life, like Paul and Linda Barli, people who I have known for 7 years now and was a live-in nanny for a couple years. They treat me like I'm part of their family. They offered me the 2000$ I need to finish school. Since they know my parents are full time volunteer missionaries and the parents of 8 children so obviously they could never afford to help me out with anything much less tuition and book fees. Paul and Linda are such amazing people and I am so lucky to have them in my life. I haven't accepted their offer, but its nice to know that there are people in my life that are looking out for me and will always help me out if I ever need it.

Kris is going to Uganda in a bit and I jokingly told him to bring me back a baby from africa. However, someday I will go to africa and bring back my baby. It has been a dream/goal of mine ever since I can remember, to adopt a little boy from africa and a little girl from asia. I have had names picked out since I was 9. No, I'm not trying to be Angelina Jolie. Infact, you can even ask my family. I used to say it all the time when I was 9 years old; that someday when I was older I was going to adopt. Now 14 years later its something I still want. I can't wait till I can make that dream come true. I know it will. Someday.

This weekend can't come fast enough. I just can't wait. He told me we should make it a monthly thing, which is awesome. I love camping and such.

I watched 300 last night for the first time, it's such a great movie, I might watch it again tonight.


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