Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Wish everyday was like yesterday...

Its the little things in life that make life so beautiful. Like a group of amazing friends hanging out all day at the beach. The water. The sun. The sand. Drinking. Eating. Sun-bathing. Playing football and volleyball. I don't think I'll ever need a ton of money, a fancy house,a fancy car or wealth to be happy. Yesterday reminded me of how lucky I am to have the people I have around me. And as long as I continue to have amazing friends and family around me I will be a blessed girl.

Yesterday we went to grand beach. I told you to come to the beach on Twitpic

There was us four girls and about 12 guy friends.
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Life really couldn't have been more grand.
v ball on Twitpic

beachin and brawlin on Twitpic

beachin and brawlin... literally.
through rough waters on Twitpic

a grand time at grand beach on Twitpic

Thursday, September 03, 2009

Sometimes I think I could move to vancouver...

All my friends are going there. I miss them. My best friend leaves in 4 weeks. What am I going to do without her? I was supposed to move there in May. I think I could move there. Then I remember why I didn't move there, in May, as was planned. I could never afford it. If I'm always broke in winnipeg, what makes me think I could ever afford to live in Vancouver?

I was doing so well with saving money...'was' being the key word.

Today I got paid. After paying all the many bills I have, I had 208$ to last me for two weeks. Awful. But I could manage on that. No problem. Then my dog's ear started bleeding. Took her to the vet...181$ later I find out she has a severe ear infection. Poor girl. Poor me. I now have 27$ to last me till payday. FML

The upside: I'm so glad my San Diego/Vancouver trip from Oct 2-Oct 18th are fully paid for. :)